Bixel | Win | Ferryman |
Hold the worlds first crypto meme in your hands!
3D printed, hand painted, Rubber figure. For only $35 each + shipping you can own history !!! Click pictures for more info
* Be sure to check out Win and Bixel© Funnies on X *
The "buy me" buttons use paypal but the best way to buy is with XRP via
Email for international shipping or questions.
3D printed, hand painted, Rubber figure. For only $35 each + shipping you can own history !!! Click pictures for more info
* Be sure to check out Win and Bixel© Funnies on X *
The "buy me" buttons use paypal but the best way to buy is with XRP via
***Click me for detailed XRP instructions***
Go to our collection at:
The Butter Dish at
Purchase the NFT that represents your desired figure.
Email your XRP wallet address and your shipping address to:
The Butter Dish at
Purchase the NFT that represents your desired figure.
Email your XRP wallet address and your shipping address to:
Email for international shipping or questions.